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"Task Area Radius Out Of Range"
Danny Fobian avatar
Written by Danny Fobian
Updated over 4 months ago

Possible Causes

  1. The maximum radius in the drone settings is not set far enough.

  2. The field size exceeds the maximum allowable radius (6,562 ft or 1.25 miles).

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. To access the drone settings, click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Then select the "Aircraft" tab and scroll to the bottom. (On the T50, this is located under "Flight Protection.") From there, increase the "Max Flight Distance" setting.


Your field is 1.5 miles long. After spraying a small section on one side, you move to the opposite side. The drone's route now requires it to return to the previous section, which is over 1.25 miles away, resulting in the "Task Area Radius out of Range" error. You have two options:

  • Option 1: Park in the middle of the field to ensure that no part of the field exceeds the maximum allowable radius.

  • Option 2: Divide the field into smaller route segments so you can start spraying from your current location and then move to a different spot to complete the remaining sections.

Tip: For some pilots, it's helpful to avoid setting the max flight distance to the maximum, as it serves as a reminder not to fly too far.

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