Whether you are a new user or an experienced user, this FAQ will provide you with answers to common questions about Flight Logs. If you can't find the answer that you are looking for, email us at [email protected] or give us a call at 319-201-3020 ext. 2.
What is flight log manager?
Flight log manager allows you to securely store flight logs from both XAG and DJI drones and easily use them to generate application maps.
Why should I store flight logs in AcreConnect™ instead of on my drone?
There are several benefits.
Security: Our software is made in the USA, and all data is stored securely in U.S.-based servers. If your logs are only on your drone’s remote controller, you risk losing valuable data if something happens to your controller, or if the firmware or drone maker’s software changes.
Accessibility: Storing your logs in AcreConnect™ makes it easy to use them for application maps.
Ease of Use: If you fly multiple drones or use different manufacturers, AcreConnect™ flight log manager gives you one place to store all your records.